Monday, December 22, 2008


“When egos tend to be at the center of
things, progress comes to a halt!”

- Eddie Villanueva


Cynthia Pittmann said...

WV just told me that you started a blog so I came by for a visit. Let's see how the ego deals with this blog business! Welcome to the world where you get to say what you want about any subject, and create, express, and inspire others on to experience their own life paths.

Passion4Blue said...

Hahaha! Yes, I see what you mean. I guess we do have to allow some of our ego to partake in all this writing business to a degree. I was sort of thinking more along the lines of how politicians from opposite ends would rather stop progress in it's tracks than to allow a little give and take because of their ego. Sort of makes me see why progress is always so slow among mankind when two different opposing views are negotiating at the table.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

I see Passion4, you're thinking about allow space for different perspectives. Right on, brother!